Open Schools Worldwide Introduction

It is estimated that 244 million children and youth between the ages of 6 and 18 worldwide were out of school in 2021, of which 118.5 million were girls and 125.5 million were boys (UNESCO 2021). A large portion of these children live in Africa.

Open Schools Worldwide’s program is currently delivered to marginalised children on the continents of Africa and Latin America and is offered free of charge to children who have become educationally marginalized through poverty, the need to work for survival, the time constraints of caring for family or through other circumstances beyond their control which have made their attendance at traditional school either impossible or very infrequent.

Typically, our learners have some or all of the following characteristics:

  • They are children aged 7 – 18
  • In urban areas, most often they are street children, orphaned by HIV/AIDS
  • In rural areas, most often they are orphans or children caring for their siblings or sick parents
  • Most often, they have never attended school and are unable to read and write
  • Those who have attended school have large gaps in their education or are unable to read or write. Our program gives them the fundamentals in literacy, numeracy and life skills.


Here is one story from among the 35,000 children we have been able to help:

Maybe was born in Zimbabwe but now lives today on a rubbish dump in Mooiplaas, South Africa. Her father scavenges for anything he can recycle. Her “house” is a small tin and cardboard shack; she bathes out of a bucket, wears the same donated school uniform every day, and usually goes to bed hungry. But those who meet Maybe are immediately impressed by her resolute spirit, beautiful smile and contagious joy. She never misses a day of Open Schools. Despite her dreadful circumstances this little girl loves Jesus and always offers to pray for the other children when they are sick or emotionally distraught.

Projects where we serve

Projects Areas and Key Facilitators


Dominican Republic

East Africa






South Africa




© Open Schools Worldwide - a ministry of TeachBeyond